5 Relationship Red Flags You Have to Watch Out For

Relationships don’t come with warning labels. When you’re faced with a potential partner, you are pretty much on your own.

mt6This is why relationship researchers at Kansas State University figured the lagging area of relationship warning signs deserved a bit of attention.

Early in 2015, KSU’s Nathan Hardy and several study co-authors investigated how the ability to recognize warning signs helps to form an equation determining relationship risk.

Early detection is key

Determining relationship risk factors early on is crucial. Research has borne out that the longer you remain in a relationship, the more difficult it is to overcome the natural relationship “inertia” that keeps you engaged, despite the fact that the connection has become emotionally unfulfilling or physically risky.

Awareness is vital

Research also indicates that partners are safest and strongest when they are making conscious, informed relationship choices. If you know what you’re getting into, even if you choose to disregard red flags, the choice is yours. You will be better prepared to make the relationship work, and handle problems as they arise.

The KSU researchers hypothesized that heeding warning signs leads to more positive actions that keep relationships healthy and viable.

The results of the research concluded that paying attention to warning flags is rewarded, helping to promote and secure relationship quality and longevity.

So what are some of those warning signs? Various studies indicate the following:

  1. Disapproving feedback. It is wise to pay attention to why your family or friends don’t like the person.
  2. Inauthentic excuses.  The potential relationship partner seems untrustworthy.
  3. Too much too soon. The potential partner is manufacturing, and pressing for a closeness and commitments, you’re ready not ready for.
  4. He or she is a loner. Your potential partner may not have the capacity for real intimacy.
  5. Your partner leans on substances or alcohol. Potential partners that are consistently drunk, or high, may have deeper emotional or psychological issues.

It should be noted that red flags don’t mean the relationship is over. The Hardy study just suggests that red flags require serious consideration, and more effort, for relationship success.

Read the full article here: 5 Relationship Red Flags You Have to Watch Out For

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