Posts By: crimyla

Giving Up The Role of Being Over-Responsible~Guest Post by Natalie Lue of Baggage Reclaim

Posted by & filed under Latest Relationship Research.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been over-responsible. I’ve felt that I have to be strong and so avoid showing ‘weakness’ by asking for help, expressing needs or sharing my feelings. I’ve hung back and dimmed my light so that my brother and then others could shine and they wouldn’t feel the need to reject or abandon me for taking up too much space or making them feel inferior in some way.

What women really want from men…

Posted by & filed under Communication Skills Advice.

Men, if there is one video you should watch to understand what women really want from you during those “deep conversations” this is it. It perfectly describes what a woman wants from her partner and how counterintuitive it is for men to give her exactly what she needs.

My New Book, “Blindsided By His Betrayal” is out on Kindle

Posted by & filed under rebuild trust after an affair, Recommended Books for Couples.

Your husband cheated on you, and now you don’t recognize yourself. You used to be so together, so trusting. Now you’re falling apart and doing things you would have never even considered doing. This book will help you figure out what to do as you deal with these explosive emotions. It’s important that you understand that your feelings–erratic and unpredictable as they may be–are normal. You need to understand why you feel the things you feel and what to do with those feelings.