My partner is “confused” and has moved out

woman-72111_1280Did your partner move out of your home stating that s/he was “confused” and just needed some “time”?  What does this mean?  It usually means that something in your relationship has caused your partner to question if they can be individuals while being in a relationship with you.  They are wondering where you end and they begin.  I’m sorry to say that usually there is a third party that has caused them to reevaluate their relationship satisfaction with you.  I’m not saying they are cheating, but there is usually a “special friend” in the picture.

What should you do?   You are in pain, you are confused, you don’t want to blow what chance you have of your partner returning.  Of course, I think giving a Relationship Therapist a call is a good idea.    An experienced Relationship Therapist has seen this type of thing many times.  She can help you decide what to do and more importantly, help you maintain your strength and dignity through this confusing time.

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