The Gay Guide to Straight Relationships

Straight people are often seeking relationship advice from gay men, despite their relative inexperience with opposite sex relationship dynamics. Gay men do have some key guidance they feel is pretty universal:

1. Make your own rules.

Shed societal expectations of what your relationship should be or look like. Anything goes, as long as you’re both happy. Do what works, and forget other people’s preconceived notions. Run your own relationship.

2. Let it go.

There’s a reason why Idina Menzel’s Frozen anthem “Let It Go” was such a hit with gay men. It is basically a gay man’s entire life philosophy, wrapped up in a three-minute Disney song.

In relationships too, just let some stuff go. Little offenses are not worth the upset, or even bringing up. It’s no fun to be in a relationship with someone who’s constantly chastising and critical.

3. A little harmless flirting never hurt anyone.

Flirting is helpful. It gets things done. It gets things for you.

Give your partner permission to flirt for the benefit of you both. Jealousy signals insecurity. Simply enjoy being with someone that other people find attractive.

4. Rethink monogamy.

Gay men understand that, biologically, human beings aren’t monogamists. Separate sex from love. Communicate your needs so that everyone’s needs are met.

Open relationships aren’t any less committed or destined for failure. Being in an open relationship means trust and understanding are elevated.

5. Honestly really is the best policy.

There are relationship basics. Make the appropriate sacrifices for the sake of your significant other.

6. Don’t fear being single.

Spinsters and old maids don’t exist anymore. There are happy older single people everywhere.

7. You don’t have to get married, ever.

For ages, same-sex couples were forbidden from getting married. Yet they still had successful partnerships. Marriage needn’t be the ultimate end goal.

Every relationship is different; happily ever after means doing what’s natural and best for you and yours.

Read the full article here: The Gay Guide to Straight Relationships

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