Relationship Tips

1A2Z3E4 Burbank Couples Counseling and Individual Therapy Burbank Glendale Pasadena AreasDo you want to make your relationship healthier and happier? Jonathan Wells has several ideas that every couple can use to strengthen their relationships.

  • Learn the secret of true communication by listening. Avoid interrupting your partner mid-sentence. Instead, be willing to listen and hear their perspective.
  • Don’t make comparisons or compete with each other, such as whether one of you is doing too much or too little. Sometimes you pick up the slack, other time your partner helps out. Relationships are never even, but that’s okay. 
  • Don’t make a scene. Criticizing your partner when there are others around is awkward to say the least, and can damage your relationship. The same goes for when your kids are around too.
  • If you have financial disagreements, figure out a compromise that you can both live with. Don’t let finances get in the way of your relationship.
  • Avoid blowing things out of proportionswhen describing behaviors you dislike about your partner. For example, don’t use “never” and “always” when speaking to your partner.
  • Keep working at your relationship every day, especially to create trust. No relationship can function effectively without trust, so do your part to demonstrate you are trustworthy.
  • When you are comparing your partner to someone else, keep it positive. Using comparisons as a way to criticize doesn’t help foster a healthy relationship.
  • Do your best to help take care of your partner’s emotional needs. You can’t do it all for them, but you can be supportive to each other and show that you care.
  • Practice forgiveness. We have all made mistakes in our relationships before. Holding a grudge doesn’t help anybody.
  • Be grateful to each other! Everyone appreciates being shown gratitude. It shows that you care.


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