Are You Compatible with Your Partner?

Have you just started dating someone new and wonder if they are, “the one?”

Recognizing signs of compatibility can help you determine if this person is the best match for you.

First, ask yourself if you and your partner are similar when it comes to emotional intelligence or “E.Q.” This refers to how well you connect with and identify feelings and emotions.  

Next, do you understand the emotions and feelings that you carry from past relationships? Unresolved baggage either of you brings into your union from old connections can be damaging to your future relationship. 

Are you both on the same wavelength when it comes to “love languages?” This refers to how each of you displays love and affection for each other.  You needn’t express or recognize love the same way. It is more important that both of you are willing to express in a way that the other desires.

Your core values in life are another important factor. Is your partner a workaholic while you like to have a solid life/work balance? Are you both in agreement about having and how you would raise a child? Do you respect each other?

What about that “spark” or feeling you get when you are together?  “Chemistry” in a relationship is actually really important. It is a biological response. One that helps draw you to a partner, and vice versa.  Chemistry helps you forge a closer bond with your partner in good times and bad.

What you say to your partner matters too, especially when it comes to what are known as “function words.”  Research shows that people who use similar function words (also known as filler words) are more likely to be compatible. Other important communication signals? Nonverbal cues and voice quality.

Consider too, whether both of you are in a good place for a relationship. Being financially stable and emotionally balanced are vitally important. Think about and discuss where both of you want to be 2 years, a  decade, or even further into the future.

Finally, how emotionally vulnerable are the two of you? Are you able to open up comfortably? Why or why not? It’s important that both of you remain vulnerable and find ways to share your feelings together.

Want to learn more about being compatible with your partner? Read the full post here:  10 Must-Know Signs of Relationship Compatibility.


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