What to Do When Your Relationship is Toxic

You know the feeling of being in a toxic relationship. When you are with that person it’s not a matter of if things will go bad but when things will go bad.

Over time, this is emotionally and mentally draining. Eventually, your body will suffer too from the stress. Your relationships should not make life difficult for you. Fortunately, there are ways that you can deal with a toxic relationship that are healthy and positive.

The first thing that you can do is accept that you are in a toxic relationship. Of course, this may not seem satisfying at first. However, acceptance is an important part of finding peace of mind. On the other hand, part of the acceptance process is also acknowledging that you are doing the best you can. Credit yourself with trying to make a positive life change. Remember, you can’t change the other person, but there is a lot that you can do to make your situation better.

Next, is to shake off any beliefs that the other person in this relationship is trying to embed in your brain. Specifically, that you are the reason for why they are experiencing negative emotions. This is flat-out untrue. This, in fact, is a tool of manipulation. You are responsible for your own feelings, not someone else’s.

Third, be honest with the other person and explain your feelings to them. Be honest about how you feel when they are around you or about how they treat you. Try to tell your story from your own perspective only.

Fourth, when you feel emotions such as anxiety and stress coming to the surface, try to focus on your breathing. This allows you to stay in control so that you can be present and attentive to what you need to do. Remember, this process is not easy and the other person will try to use toxic manipulation to distract you. That’s why it’s important that you stay in control and self-aware.

Individual counseling might be able to help you discover options you hadn’t thought of.

Want to learn more? Read the full post here:  How to Handle a Toxic Relationship.


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