When Should I Start Dating Again After A Breakup?

Your last relationship ended and it felt like your whole did too. Everything that you became accustomed to was gone and you struggled with no longer having that person in your life.

No matter if the breakup was amicable or if it ended on bad terms, it is a struggle for everyone to go through a breakup. After the relationship ended, you may have gone through a period where you said, “No more relationships for me, I’m done!”

But somewhere along the lines, you began to open up to the idea of dating again. You began to heal the wounds from the past relationship and suddenly you feel ready.

But in the back of your mind, you might wonder, “Is it too soon to begin dating again?” Here are some things to consider when you feel like you may be ready.

When To Begin Dating Again After A Breakup

There is no hard rule or timeline of when you should begin dating again. Some people may be ready after only a month after ending their last relationship. Other people may want to take more time.

There is nothing wrong with either of those choices. When you aren’t sure when you should begin dating, here are a few tips of what to consider.

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Have You Healed From Your Past Relationship?

How and why did your last relationship end? This might seem strange to consider before you begin dating. However, if the relationship did not end well or amicably, you may have needed to do a lot of healing. If you haven’t fully healed from a past relationship, it can actually impact future ones.

We all carry past baggage with us. But, that baggage and hurt from the past should never be carried on to a new relationship. Because when it does, you are more likely to feel jaded and project the problems and issues from the past on the future. For instance, if you were cheated on in the past, you may have trust issues with someone new. And that is completely understandable when you have been hurt in this way. However, you should remember this; no matter what happened in the past, your new partner is not them.

If you haven’t been able to let go of what happened, this may be a sign that you should hold off until you are emotionally ready to give your all again to someone else.

What Do You Want In The Future?

Past relationships can bring you a great perspective for new ones. This can sometimes include deciding what you want in the future. Not just regarding marriage or kids, but these are important things to understand about ourselves. More than that though, where do you see yourself in five years? Is it living in the same place you are now? Renting or buying a house of your own? Do you want to travel the world?

Having a general idea of what you want in the future can help you determine your dating future, as well. If you know what you want ahead of time, it can help you weed out matches that aren’t going to match up with your long-term goals.

Still Stuck?

Making decisions about dating is hard. You don’t know if you are ready. You aren’t sure where to even begin. And, not wanting to repeat the past can leave you super hesitant.

There is no right or wrong answer for when to begin dating. What is right for one person on when to begin dating again is different from the next person. What matters the most is that you are doing what is best for you.

If you need help determining what you want out of your dating future, reach out to me for relationship counseling. Together, I can help you form a game plan and for you to feel ready again.

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