Reviving Intimacy in a Long-Term Relationship

mt13Many couples struggle with the fact that the amount of sex they have decreases over time.  While thinking about this may be discouraging, there are some key things you can do to help bring the excitement back into the bedroom.  One of the biggest blocks to being able to re-kindle your love life is holding onto old resentments.

Clearing the air is actually much more important than you might think.  When couples have been together for a while, little conflicts and disagreements get swept under the carpet.  While this may be helpful in the short term to make your life run smoother, in the long term these un-aired issues can build up and affect you in ways you might not fully understand.

The biggest way these old resentments can influence you is in your ability to be present to both your partner and your relationship.  Over time, you may feel completely disconnected from your partner.  When was the last time you were able to slow down and really gaze into your partner’s eyes?  Being present can be contagious.  When one partner begins to be present, the other will usually follow suit.  Being more connected and being able to really look each other in the eyes has been shown to release the hormone oxytocin, which can further boost the bond of intimacy between you and your loved one.

Once the process of reconnecting begins, you can increase the amount of physical touch as well.  Start with hand and foot rubs and then move onto full body massages.  The body responds to intimate touch by releasing even more hormones and reducing stress.  Loving gazes and soft touch are great ways to increase the amount of attachment you and your partner can feel towards each other.

Finally, it never hurts to remember what first attracted you to your partner.  Reminiscing about how things felt when you were first falling in love is a great way to revitalize those feelings in the present.

Read the full article here:  Reviving Intimacy in a Long-Term Relationship

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