The Divorce Warning Signals

It may be a misconception that people who divorce strictly do so because they “hate” each other. The real reasons are much deeper, which in a way also makes them more tragic. Consider these warning signs for divorce.

One sign of divorce is that you have done your best in order to avoid divorce in the first place. If you are having trouble addressing problems in your relationship, there are plenty of books out there with advice. Also, professional therapists can help too. If you do have to have a divorce, you don’t want to be sitting there thinking you didn’t do enough to save your marriage.

Another warning signal of divorce is that there are “no-go’s” in your relationship that are beyond compromise. Three common reasons  why divorces occur are:

    • One spouse struggles with addiction and refuses to get help.
    • Abuse, either physical, emotional or both
    • Feeling emotionally disengaged from each other (including a lack of physical intimacy).

If you and your partner are having a “Cold War” so to speak, that could also be a warning sign of divorce. This signals that both of you no longer have the interest to even engage in an argument together. It also means that neither of you wants to really do anything for the relationship to recover.

Perhaps the worst thing that can kill any relationship is contempt. When you have contempt for your partner, you no longer care about their self-worth. In fact, you try to make them feel they are beneath you. Thus, you no longer feel that your partner is actually a partner.

Finally, the last factor that can trigger a divorce is that neither of you appreciates one another anymore. If you cannot think of anything positive about your partner, or show any gratitude towards them, consider it a warning signal of relationship degradations and divorce.

Want to learn more about the warning signals of divorce? Read the full post here:  5 Signs You Need a Divorce.

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