Posts Tagged: marriage problems

4 Ways to Reconnect on Date Night

Posted by & filed under Counseling Services in Burbank Pasadena.

A romantic partnership is the foundation of a stable loving family. Try to let go of any guilt you may be feeling about spending time and/or money on yourselves. Remember, creating a stable family structure outweighs any short term discomfort your child (or you!) may have. The goal of date night is to feel connected to your partner as a human being again and not just relate to each other as co-parents/co-CEOs of the family.

Is Technoference Wrecking Your Love Life?

Posted by & filed under Latest Relationship Research.

Technoference may not be a word you’re familiar with, but you’ve probably figured out what it means. There’s no doubt you’ll be hearing of it more and more.

In an age when everyone is connected to everyone else 24/7, there is the expectation that you have to be available 24/7 and, if you’re not, there are repercussions. This is not a healthy way to live – especially for couples.

Do You Engage in Conscious Combat or Are You Just Fighting?

Posted by & filed under Counseling Services in Burbank Pasadena.

Many couples will do almost anything to avoid a fight. When you avoid talking about a problem or difference, or you pretend it doesn’t exist, it can lead to feelings of resentment and neglect. These feelings will build over time until you explode and end up in a fight. While fighting, you are more likely to say and do things you regret later, and your fight will accomplish little or nothing.

Are You in the Wrong Relationship?

Posted by & filed under Break up advice, Recommended Books for Couples.

Too much of any of these behaviors, from either partner, can have both of you running for the nearest exit. If, on the other hand, you were to follow what Dr. Daniel Siegel author of Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation calls the “COAL” Attitude: Curious, Open, Accepting, and Loving, you might find solutions you hadn’t seen before. Taking the COAL point of view, and accepting the fact that everyone–including yourself–is human, you can ask yourself these two questions: