Why Pleasurable Sex Increases Fertility

4ER56TAlthough it’s not a common issue of discussion and may cause many women to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable, the topic of sexual pleasure has many aspects to it.  Key among these aspects is the idea that an increase in sexual pleasure leads to an increase in conception rates.

Sexual pleasure increases blood flow, reduces stress, and restores balance to the human body, which are all positive benefits.  It can increase sperm quality and lubrication as well.  It has also been shown that the muscle contractions experienced during an orgasm can improve the chances of conception.

So how does sexual pleasure bestow so many positive benefits on the body?  According to Sexologist Ellen Heed, creator of the Women’s Sacred Anatomy Project, the part of our brain called the hypothalamus triggers a release of hormones that relates to parts of the pelvic floor.  This process transpires when we are sexually aroused and “turned on.”

By allowing ourselves to surrender to pleasure, the ring of engorge-able tissue which surrounds the entrance of the vagina fills with blood — similar to when a man gets an erection only under the skin so harder to see.  The increase in blood raises lubrication which helps make sex feel amazing and aids in contraception.

The ring of engorge-able tissue can trigger a special orgasmic response in the uterus as well.  When this occurs, the cervix moves up towards the back of the vaginal canal to invite the sperm right into the opening of the cervix and into the uterus where it can meet up with a waiting egg.

This entire “pleasure loop” of blood flow can be experienced to increase sexual pleasure and support baby-making.  We shouldn’t dismiss the idea of sexual pleasure when we are concentrating on conception.  Just as acupuncture can increase blood flow throughout our body and give us many health benefits, so too can the experience of orgasmic sex.

Read the full article here:  What Does Sex Have to Do With Fertility?

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