
Is #Divorce Inevitable?

Do you feel the pressure to make your own happily ever after happen? Marriage is hard work. Don’t worry, that’s completely normal. Admitting that your relationship has its challenges is a good thing. Acceptance of your weak spots can help you do what it takes to make your relationship stronger. Facing your marital stressors is… Read more »

Does the Way You Communicate Make or Break Your Relationship?

Communication determines your relationship’s health whether you are in heterosexual or a same-sex relationship. For more than a decade, Dr. John Gottman and Dr. Robert Levenson studied and compared straight and gay relationships. Humor and kindness, as well as positivity throughout disagreements, seems to be more prevalent found that gay and lesbian couples used more… Read more »

How to Argue with Your Partner

Typically relationship experts focus on how not to argue with your partner, not with them. Yet, being able to stick to the discussion, even when there is a disagreement or conflict, is important for maintaining communication. There are ways that you can stick to the argument without it blowing up out of control. One Idea:… Read more »

How to Strengthen Your Relationship

Have you ever considered how to strengthen your relationship? It’s not as hard as it sounds, and there are many ways that you can work towards improving your relationship. This can be as simple as sending a text message or being willing to work together with your partner when facing a crisis, such as illness…. Read more »