Infidelity Recovery Counseling
helping marriages survive & thrive after infidelity
You feel lost in the sea of emotions.
The Betrayed Partner:
Just when I think I have the full story, I discover something else and I’m back to square one again. I worry that I will never be me again.
When I finally have a normal day or feel like maybe we will get through this, I suddenly get really angry and rage at my partner. I hate this emotional roller coaster I'm on.
I keep looping over and over. I think, "Only weak people stay with cheaters. Strong people walk!" So, I want to leave. Then I remember I never wanted to be divorced and wonder how I ended up here. Divorcing means I'm breaking up my kids' family. Will they be okay?
The Wayward Partner:
I'm doing my best to regain my partner’s trust, but no matter what I do, it seems to make things worse. I’m feeling hopeless.
My partner is hurting, but I am too. Certain needs weren't met in our relationship, and I feel defensive and tired of being labeled the "bad guy."
Now that everything is out in the open, I can't believe how foolish I was. I never meant to destroy my marriage and family. The thought of not being there to tuck my kids in every night crushes me.
how i can help
Therapy for individuals & couples recovering from infidelity
An affair has been discovered or revealed. The security, trust, and intimacy you once shared has been horribly shattered. The pain is unbearable.
Should you bother with getting marriage counseling?
Does an affair always lead to divorce?
Can you ever trust your partner again?
Is there any hope?
These are exactly the questions that counseling can help you to answer. I can offer you support, expertise, and experience as you deal with these questions.
During the crisis and trauma of an extramarital affair, I help each partner evaluate their commitment to rebuilding trust and intimacy. Partners will be guided to share their feelings in ways that invite the partner's empathy and understanding rather than triggering defensiveness and counter attacks.
Our first step is to help the betrayed partner feel safe. Infidelity is traumatic, and I will provide concrete action steps to stabilize the situation.
We will then develop new ways of interacting that promote healing and understanding instead of anger and conflict. Participating in relationship counseling after an affair is a crucial step towards building a new relationship. If both partners are committed, recovery is possible, and a stronger, healthier relationship can be created.
imagine if you…
Understood why you were being triggered
I teach specific strategies to overcome the PTSD associated with infidelity such as intrusive thoughts, panic attacks, and sleepless nights.
Could stop the intrusive thoughts that plague you.
I teach specific strategies to overcome the PTSD associated with infidelity such as intrusive thoughts, panic attacks, and sleepless nights.
Felt connected and rebuilt trust
I understand you're wondering if you can ever trust your spouse again. But what really scares you is whether you'll ever trust yourself again. In a systematic way, we'll first determine if your spouse is worthy of rebuilding trust, then we'll work on rebuilding that trust together.
I want you to know:
You don’t have to navigate this alone.
Healing from infidelity is challenging, but with the right support, you can regain understanding and connection. I'm here to provide the tools and guidance to navigate this journey.
Yes, couples do. I have a high success rate in not only keeping marriages together but also making them stronger and more fulfilling.
The Madden Method is a research-based and criteria-driven approach to overcoming infidelity. The first step is securing the relationship. I believe that the decision to go outside the marriage is 100% the responsibility of the person who made that choice. Our initial focus is on accepting responsibility for that action.
At the same time, we work on helping the betrayed spouse move out of the initial impact stage, which is often filled with PTSD symptoms. From there, we establish what the affair was, rebuild trust, and decide what this new marriage will look like. These objectives are addressed concurrently to facilitate a comprehensive and balanced healing process.
Honestly, this situation requires a different approach. Infidelity before marriage and kids raises the question of whether this is an exit affair, where someone might not be ready to take the next step and is sabotaging the relationship. I will be here to ask those hard questions and help you find clarity.
Remember, the easiest day to leave is today. If either of you isn't ready for a committed future, let me help you find the courage to end it now. Divorce, especially with kids involved, is brutal.
Don't lose hope, but don't be naive either. Let's work together to figure out the best path forward.